This study covered a critical analysis of the role of bank of industry towards the development of small and medium scale enterprises in Nigeria where many Small and Medium Scale Enterprises are springing up and more microfinance banks are being established. The study presented here makes a contribution to this field of research by providing a first view on microfinance banks and Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in order to examine the impact of microfinance banks on the growth of small and medium scale enterprises in Ilorin metropolis, to examine the impact of microfinance banks on the growth of small and medium scale enterprises in Ilorin metropolis, to examine the problems Microfinance banks face in providing finance to SMEs, and to recommend solutions to the problems facing Microfinance banks in providing finance to SMEs. We found out that There is no significant difference between the roles of microfinance banks and the growth of SMEs in Ilorin metropolis and that the services rendered by MFBs have a significant difference on the growth of SMEs.
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Background to the Study